Thinking about Buying a USED autoclave or sterilizer on eBay?
Buyer Beware!! I've been Selling New Tuttnauer Autoclaves on eBay for 10+ years.
The reason why I started selling "New" autoclaves was to give the eBay community a chance to purchase a new autoclave at a fair price.
See, back then most of the "used" sterilizers being sold were junk.
Today, it almost seems that some of the same autoclaves are being sold again and again.
I've actually taken the time to track some of these transactions and find some patterns.
What I have noticed is that a lot of these used machines are not getting any younger. For example, the perennial favorite seems to be the Pelton & Crane OCM and OCR autoclaves. Please note that these units were produced between 1961 and 1989. So, the newest one is already 20 years old.
Recently, I have noticed several trends. One eBay seller in particular seems to be purchasing all of the lower cost "used autoclaves" and is repairing them and then re-marketing them on ebay.
While this is good for eBay the consumer is faced with higher aquisition costs. This one seller has almost single handedly set the cost of a used autoclave on eBay at $1200.00.
One may argue that $1200.00 sounds like a fair price. However, keep in mind that these machines are not the cream of the crop. On average, thes autoclaves are 15+ years old.
Now, the seller I spoke of above generally sells at a fixed price. Other eBay sellers like to sell at auction. They start their auctions at anywhere between $1.00 and $100.00 with no reserve. This provokes a lot of interest in an item. However, do not be fooled. There is a method to the madness.
Take a minute and ask yourself one question. Why would this eBay seller risk a low sales price on this item? There are only several right answers. One being that he knows the item is a piece of crap and the second answer is greed.
These sellers know that most eBayer's are looking for a bargain. By getting you to start bidding low and placing more bids the item will gain a lot of attention. Thus, the price gets driven up wildly. Who wins? the Seller of course.
I have watched a lot of autoclave auctions and lately I have noticed some Tom Foolery with some auctions.
What I've noticed is that say I place a proxy bid on an autoclave. The price seems to get driven up by someone that only has one or two feedbacks until my limit is met. Then another buyer places a bid and that too is driven up to it's maximum by the same two bidders. At that point, the bids are generally at the price point the seller is looking for and the third "real" bidder wins the item.
These are the things that you see when you watch these auctions carefully. a casual user does not see what I see.
I can also tell that buyers are not reading the item descriptions or really looking at the included pictures.
How, you ask. I have seen plenty of autoclaves that specifically state that they were not tested or that they did not work. I've seen these machines go for "Stupid" money and have said to myself "this is going to be interesting". So, I have saved the auction info and sure enough a good number of these machine purchases have been protested when the buyer realized he/she made a mistake.
I cannot stress enough that an autoclave is a "Capitol Equipment" purchase. Technically, your doors cannot open without a good working autoclave. This does not mean that you cannot own/purchase a pre-owned sterilizer. But as a proffesional, you want the best that you can afford at the time for your patients safety.
Remember, Your autoclave is your gateway to patient safety. It's like an insurance policy.
Finally, truth be told. In today's economy with all of the discounting and sales that are going on reputable sellers of "New" autoclaves and sterilizers are actually making less money on the sale of a "New" autoclave than we would selling a "Used" one.
So, it can be argued that now is the time to purchase a new autoclave!!!
My Tuttnauer Prices may seem high but they are listed at 25% off of List price. I can always do better than that but you need to call me the the "Real Deal" per our pricing agreement with Tuttnauer USA.
BaySide Technical Services
13 Bay state Road
Worcester, MA 01606
508-735-4817 phone
508-258-9229 secondary line
508-281-4387 fax
eBay User Id. "bayside1"
Authorized Tuttnauer Sales & Service Dealer
Midmark dealers are not allowed to advertise for less than Full List Price and Pelton & Crane Dealers are not allowed to Sell on eBay.
So, if you see a great deal on a new Midmark autoclave on eBay call 1-800-midmark to verify that the seller is actually an authorized seller and that you will be able to get all of the incentives that they offer.
Same is true for Pelton and Crane. If you see a great deal on a new Pelton autoclave call the at Phone: 1-704-588-2126 or 1-800-659-6560
to verify the deal and the dealer.
Friday, September 4, 2009
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