Looking to purchase a New, Used, or Reconditioned Autoclave? Why purchase your Capitol Equipment on eBay from a Seller that does not even offer you VALID contact information.
Most Sellers on eBay do not provide their "REAL" Company name, address, phone number or email address. Why do people spent good money without knowing where it is going?
I can name several sellers on eBay who are members of buying groups and are selling under an "Alias" (ficticious) name to avoid policies that in place for legitimate dealers of their product.
It is only a matter of time before these manufacturer's put their feet down to stop this practice.
Don't get caught in the middle of this battle. Purchase your NEW autocalves and Sterilizers from Sellers who state who they are and are easily traceable back to the manufacturer they represent.
I always do a Google search myself to see what type of information is available on a seller before I purchase mysef.
As an eBay seller myself I always include the nature of my business and all of my contact information. look for a good strong e-mail address like sales@mytuttnauer.com. This suggests that the seller has a web site and is a serious player. I am always cautious of hotmail and gmail addresses.
Just because a seller on eBay has a lot of feedback does not mean that the representations they make are accurate.
Try calling the manufacturer and asking if the seller you are planning to do business with is an actual authorized dealer as stated in their auction. You may be surprised!!!
Monday, September 28, 2009
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